Saturday, April 21, 2012

Standard : Degree. Total Marks : 150
Nature of Paper : Objective Type. Duration : 2 Hours
(1) The Nature and standard of questions in the paper will be such that a well educated person will be able to answer without any specialised study and its intention is to test candidate’s general
awareness of a variety of subjects.
(2) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments and happenings
pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

 Human Resource Development in India ‐ Present status of population in India ‐ quantitative aspect
(size and growth ‐ Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare).
Population policy and projection upto 2050. Importance and need of Human Resource planning in
modern society. Components and factors involved in planning of Human Resources. Nature, types
and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of
skilled manpower in different Sectors and Areas. Governmental and Voluntary Institution engaged
in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, NCTE, ITIs, NCVT,
IMC, etc. Problems and issues related to HRD. Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce
unemployment and underemployment.

 Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education (Pre‐primary to
Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education,
vocationalisation of education, Quality improvement, Dropout rate etc.) Education for Girls, Socially
and Economically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Search etc. Govt.
policies, Schemes and programms for Education. Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in
promoting, regulating and monitoring Formal, Non‐formal and Adult education. e‐Learning. Impact
of globalisation and privatisation on Indian education. National Knowledge Commission, National
Commission for Higher Education and Resaearch, IITs, IIMs, NITs.

 Vocational Education: As a tool of HR development. Vocational/Technical Education‐ Present
status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and
programs – Problems, issues and efforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting,
regulating, accrediting vocational and Technical Education.

 Health: As an essential and major component of HRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation
(WHO) ‐ objectives, structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes and
programmes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issues related to Healthcare and efforts to
overcome them. Janani‐Bal Suraksha Yojana. National Rural Health Mission.

 Rural Development: Empowerment of panchayat Raj system. Village Panchayat and its role in
Rural development, Land reforms and development, Role of cooperative institutes in Rural
Development, Financial Institutes involved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes,
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy,
Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area. National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (NREGS).
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)‐ International human rights standards, its
reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism to enforce and protect Human Rights in India. Human
Rights Movement in India. Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy,
unemployment, social‐cultural‐religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism, exploitation of
labour, custodial crimes etc. Need, for training in and practising of human rights and human dignity

in a democratic set up. Globalisation and its impact on different sections of Indian Society. Human
Development Index, Infant Mortality Ratio, Sex Ratio.

 Child Development: problems and issues (Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children
education etc.) ‐ Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs ‐ Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participation in their Welfare.

 Women Development ‐ problems and issues (Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl child
Infanticide/Foeticide, Empowerment of Women etc.)‐ Government Policy, schemes and programs
for development / welfare and empowerment ‐ Role of international agencies, Voluntary
Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their development. AASHA.

 Youth Development: problems and issues (Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) ‐
Government Policy ‐ development schemes and programs ‐ Role of international agencies,
Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their development.

 Tribal Development: problems and issues (Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development
etc.) ‐ Tribal movement ‐ Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs‐ Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation in their

 Development for Socially deprived classes (SC, ST, VJ/NT, OBC etc. ) ‐ problems and issues
(inequality in opportunity etc.) ‐ Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs ‐
Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilsation and Community

 Welfare for aged People‐ problems and issues ‐ Government Policy ‐ welfare schemes and
programs ‐ Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for
their development. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.

 Labour Welfare ‐ problems and issues (working conditions, wages, health and problems related to
organised and unorganised sectors) ‐ Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs ‐ Role of
international agencies, community and Voluntary Organisations.

 Welfare of disabled persons ‐ problems and issues (inequality in educational and employment
opportunity etc.) ‐ Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs ‐ Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.

 People’s Rehabilitations ‐ (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.) –
Strategy and programs – Legal Provisions – Consideration of different aspects like economic,
cultural, social, psychological etc.

 International and Regional Organisations: United Nations and its specialised agencies – UNCTAD,
Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.

 Consumer Protection: Salient features of the existing act‐ Rights of consumers‐ Consumer disputes
and redressal machinery, Different kinds of Forums‐ Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures,
Consumer Welfare Fund.

 Values and Ethics: Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal and informal agencies
such as family, religion, education, media etc

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