Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MPSC MAINS GS II (Syllabus & Pattern)

: Degree. Total Marks:150
Nature of Paper
: Objective Type. Duration : 2 Hours
(1) The Nature and standard of questions in the paper will be such that a well educated person will be
able to answer without any specialised study and its intention is to test candidate’s general
awareness of a variety of subjects.
(2) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments and happenings
pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
1. The Constitution of India:
of the Preamble
Principles of State Policy, Free and Compulsory primary education, Uniform Civil Code, and
Fundamental Duties. Centre
Amendment Procedure and Major Amendments to the Constitution: Landmark Judgments used for
interpreting the Constitution. Structure and Functions of major Commissions and Boards: Election
Commission, Union and State Public Service Commissions, National Women's Commission, Human
Rights Commission, National Minorities S.C./S.T. Commission
Making of the Constitution, Salient Features of the Constitution. Philosophy(Secular democratic and socialist), Fundamental Rights and Duties DirectiveState relations and Formation of New States. Independent Judiciary.River Water Dispute Settlements Board
2. The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions of Governments):
Nature of Indian Federation
Union & State
and Financial Relationships. Distribution of Legislative powers, Subjects.
Legislatures, Executive & Judiciary. UnionState RelationshipAdministrative, Executive
(1) The Central Government
Council of Ministers
The Union Executive: PresidentVicePresident Prime Minister andAttorney General of India Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(2) The Union Legislature
Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker Parliamentary Committees
Parliament's Control over Executive.
(3) Judiciary:
Supreme Court and High Court
Organisation of Judiciary Integrated Judiciary Functions Role and Power of theSubordinate Courts – Lokpal, Lokayukt and Lok Nyayalaya
Judiciary as a watch
dog protecting the Constitutional OrderJudicial Activism, Public Interest
3. State Government and Administration (With Special Reference to Maharashtra) –
Reorganisation of Maharashtra State, Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Chief Secretary,
State Secretariat, Directorates, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council,
Formation andPowers, Functions and Role
Legislative Committees. Sherrif of Mumbai.
4. District Administration
Law and Order, Relationship with functional Departments. District Administration and the Panchayati
Raj Institutions. Role and Functions of the Sub
Evolution of District Administration, Changing role of the District Collector:Divisional Officer.
5. Rural and Urban Local Government:
Empowerment of local government and their role in development.
Significance of 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution.
(1) Rural Local Government,
and Gram Panchayat. Peculiarities of Panchayat Raj Institutions of Mahrashtra, Status Report of
Panchayat Raj Institutions and its Performance Appraisal. Main features of 73rd Constitutional
Amendments. Problems of implementation. Major rural development programmes and their
Composition, Powers and Functions of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti
(2) Urban Local Government,
Councils and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources, Powers
Main features of 74th Constitutional Amendments: Problems of implementation. Major urban
development programmes and their management.
Composition and Functions of Municipal Corporations, MunicipalFunctions and Controls.
6 of 11
6. Educational System :
Disadvantaged Sections
Trade in Services (GATS) and emerging issues, Challenges in Higher Education today. Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan, Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan.
Directive Principles of State Policy and Education; Educational Problems ofScheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and Women; Privatization ofissues of access to education, merit, quality, and social justice; General Agreement on
7. Parties and Pressure Groups:
and electoral performance
Parties; Ideology, Organisation and electoral performance
in Maharashtra
: Women and Children; Labour; and Youth. Non
Nature of Party system Role of National Parties Ideology, organisationPolitical Parties and their Social Bases. RegionalismRise of RegionalMajor Pressure Groups and Interest Groupstheir Role and impact on Policy making. Programmes of Social Welfare in MaharashtraGovernment Organizations and their Role in Social
8. The Media:
educating the people. Press Council of India. Code of conduct for Mass media in a secular democracy
like India. The portrayal of women in the main stream mass media: Facts and Norms. Freedom of
speech and expression, and limitation thereof.
Print and Electronic Media its impact on policy making, shaping of the public opinion and
9. The Electoral Process:
Reserved constituencies for weaker sections
Main features of Electoral process single member territorial Constituencies.Adult Franchise Role of Election Commission GeneralMajor trends – Patterns of Voting behaviour and Factors influencing the voting behaviour
Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and Fair Elections
Electoral Reforms. EVMs.
10. Administrative Law:
Administrative Tribunals, their establishment and functioning. Principles of Natural Justice.
Rule of law. Administrative Discretion and its control and Judicial Review.
11. Central and State Government Privileges:
RTI and its impact on Official Secrets Act.
Section 123 of the Indian Evidence Act, Official Secrets Act,
12. Some Pertinent Laws:
(1) Environmental Protection Act, 1986:
Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
(2) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986:
Definitions Consumer Disputes Redressal Machinery.
(3) Right to Information Act, 2005:
Rights of Applicants, duty of Public Authority, exceptions to the
(4) Information Technology Act
2000 (Cyber Law): Definitions – Authorities – offences.
(5) The Prevention of Corruption Act:
Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
(6) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989:
and Measures provided therein.
Object, Machinery
(7) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995:
and Measures provided therein.
Object, Machinery
(8) Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955:
Object, Machinery and Measures provided therein.
13. Social Welfare and Social Legislation:
Rights. Protection to Women under: The Constitution of India and Criminal Law (CrPC), Domestic
Violance (Prevention) Act, The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, The Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 and The Right of Information Act, 2005.
Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change; Human
14.Public Services :
and functions. Union Public Service Commission. State Services and the Maharashtra State Public
Service Commission. Training in the changing context of governance
Academy of Administration, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy.
All India Services, Constitutional position, role and functions. Central Services: natureYASHDA, Lal Bahadur Shastri
15. Control over Public Expenditure:
Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of
India, Role of the Finance Ministry in monetary and Fiscal policy, Composition and function of
Accountant General, Maharashra.
Parliamentary Control, Estimates Committee, Public Accounts

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