Saturday, January 31, 2015


Hi all,

This is a very crucial time for all those who want to appear for prelims 2015.
With only around six months in hand, one need to really work smart and strategise their way of preparation.
Yes READING and REVISING are two important things to do in UPSC preparation but alongside knowing your capabilities for solving the questions in a time bound manner is also very integral part of this journey towards IAS.

Appearing for mock tests gives you this much required analysis about how good are you at solving the question papers and how much you score given the negative marking scheme.

Those who do not appear for test series does not get the opportunity to improvise their question solving skills and lose important time in exam and also an attempt, waiting one more year to give prelims again.

Having a great deal of knowledge is one thing and putting it to use is another and to clear prelims one need to master the methods to clear it else the knowledge will be of less benefit.

TRIUMPH IAS ACADEMY makes special effort to prepare the test series in such a manner that it should benefit you in solving the prelims 2015 paper.


Friday, January 30, 2015


On 14th November, 2012, a new law was enacted, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, which brought in major changes in the law related to sexual violence, as far as children below 18 years are concerned.

The aims and objectives of this Act were:

·        To secure a child’s right to safety, security and protection from sexual abuse.

·        To protect children from inducement or coercion to sexual activity

·        To prevent exploitative use of children in prostitution and generation of pornographic material.

·        To provide a comprehensive legislation to safeguard the interest of a child at every stage - reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and trial of offences.

·        To provide for establishment of special courts for sensitive and speedy trial


It made the law gender neutral and brought within its purview sexual assault of both girls and boys below the age of 18 years. It also widened the definition of sexual violence beyond the conventional peno-vaginal penetration to include crimes which did not amount to rape under the IPC. It also prescribed stringent punishment and many procedural safety measures to protect the child during investigation and trial.
While recording the statement of the victim:

After the FIR is lodged, the police will record a detailed statement of the victim regarding the crime. The same shall be recorded in a simple language

The police shall not reveal the identity of the victim to the media or to the public.

A woman or a child shall not be detained in a police station overnight.

If the victim needs a translator the same shall be provided.

Within 24 hours of receiving information the victim shall be taken to the nearest hospital for medical examination and care

If the victim has any other special needs, the same shall be met.


If the victim is a child,

·        The statement shall be recorded at a place where the child resides or where the child feels comfortable.

·        The officer recording the statement shall not be below the rank of sub inspector and should preferably be a woman officer.

·        The police officer shall not be in uniform.

·        The child shall not come in contact in any way with the accused

·        A person who the child trusts shall be present

·        For mentally or physically (temporary or permanent) disabled child, a special educator / expert may be called

·        If possible, the statement of the child may be recorded using audio-video electronic

·        If required, the police shall take the child to the nearest shelter home for emergency shelter and produce the child before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC)

·        The Police shall report all cases of child sexual offences to the Child Welfare Committee and Special Court within 24 hours


Medical and Forensic Examination:

A person who the victim trusts shall be present at the time of medical examination

A female victim shall be examined only by a lady doctor

The police shall ensure the samples collected from the hospital are sent to the forensic laboratory at the earliest

The medical practitioner shall treat the child for cuts, bruises, bodily and genital injuries, exposure to STDs & HIV. S/he shall discuss possible pregnancy and emergency contraceptives with the child or the person who the child trusts. Rule 5 (4)

The victim may be referred for mental, psychological or other counselling.

Non treatment of a victim by a Hospital is an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or fine or both under S. 166B Cr. P C

The medical and forensic examination shall be conducted as per the Central guidelines or the guidelines issued by the respective state.  


Scheme for Financial Support and to provide support to overcome and physical and mental trauma caused by the incident:

Many states have introduced schemes for either compensation or financial support to the victim. There are different models for the same.

The Maharashtra state has introduced the Manodhairya Scheme for victims of rape and acid attacks, where the compensation has to be paid within a few weeks of lodging the FIR.

Legal assistance during the trial is also provided as per this scheme.

During the Trial

The POCSO Act provides for setting up of special child friendly courts to conduct the trial.

Many states have also set up special courts for all cases of sexual assault concerning women and children.

All trials concerning sexual assault will be conducted in camera.

The victim shall be allowed to have a support person inside the court during the examination and cross examination.

Questions regarding the past sexual history of the victim or child, or any other humiliating questions which cause the victim trauma shall not be asked during cross examination. 

If the child I below 7 years, there cannot be direct cross examination.  The lawyer would have to give the questions in writing to the judge and the judge shall explain the same to the child.



If all the protective measures are stringently followed, the investigations and trial will not be a harrowing experience for the victim and this will in turn provide for maintaining the dignity of the victim, which in turn will improve conviction rates in the country.


*Ms. Audrey D’mello is Program Director, Majlis Legal Centre.

Majlis Legal Centre provides socio legal support to victims of domestic and sexual violence in Maharashtra. The Centre has collaboration with the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Maharashtra for effective implementation of laws with regard to crimes against women.

New Series Estimates of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation (Base Year 2011-12)

New Series Estimates of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation (Base Year 2011-12)

The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation has released the new series of national accounts, revising the base year from 2004-05 to 2011-12. The base year of national accounts was last revised in January 2010.
2.         Base year revisions differ from annual revisions in National Accounts primarily because of nature of changes. In annual revisions, changes are made only on the basis of updated data becoming available without making any changes in the conceptual framework or using any new data source, to ensure strict comparison over years. In case of base year revisions, apart from a shift in the reference year for measuring the real growth, conceptual changes, as recommended by the international guidelines, are incorporated.  Further, statistical changes like revisions in the methodology of compilation, adoption of latest classification systems, and, inclusion of new and recent data sources are also made.  Changes are also made in the presentation of estimates to improve ease of understanding for analysis and facilitate international comparability.
3.         Improvements as noted above, especially incorporation of new datasets, have resulted in a correction in the level of GDP, which is likely to affect a wide range of indicators where it is used as a reference point: for instance, trends in public expenditure, taxes and public sector debt that are conventionally analysed in terms of their ratios to nominal GDP. It may be noted that the level of revision in the present base revision is not large enough to affect any of these ratios significantly.
4.         Users are requested to note that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at factor cost will no longer be discussed in the press releases. As is the practice internationally, industry-wise estimates will be presented as Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices, while ‘GDP at market prices’ will henceforth be referred to as GDP. Estimates of GVA at factor cost (earlier called GDP at factor cost) can be compiled by using the estimates of GVA at basic prices and production taxes less subsidies as given in Statement 3.1 of this note. For the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14, GVA at factor cost have been compiled and are presented in Statements 10.1 & 10.2.
5.         A brief note on the conceptual and statistical changes made in the new series, and its effect on the key estimates are given in Annex. A short publication giving more details of the revision shall be made available in public domain by the last week of February 2015.
6.         The salient features of the key macro-economic aggregates are indicated in the following paragraphs.
Gross Domestic Product
7.         GDP for the base year 2011-12 is estimated as Rs. 88.3 lakh crore. Nominal GDP or GDP at current prices for the year 2012-13 is estimated as Rs. 99.9 lakh crore while that for the year 2013-14 is estimated as Rs. 113.5 lakh crore, exhibiting a growth of 13.1 percent and 13.6 percent during the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively.
8.         Real GDP or GDP at constant (2011-12) prices stands at Rs.92.8 lakh crore and Rs.99.2 lakh crore, respectively for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14, showing growth of 5.1 percent during 2012-13, and 6.9 percent during 2013-14.
Industry-wise Analysis
9.         The percentage changes in the Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices in different sectors of the economy are presented in Statements 4.1 and 4.2. At the aggregate level, nominal GVA at basic prices increased by 13.2 percent during 2013-14, as against 12.9 percent during 2012-13 (Statement 1.1). In terms of real GVA, i.e., GVA at constant (2011-12) basic prices, there has been a growth of 6.6 percent in 2013-14, as against growth of 4.9 percent in 2012-13.
10.       The growth in GVA during 2013-14 has been higher than that in 2012-13 due to higher growth in ‘trade & repair services’ (14.3%), ‘communication and services related to broadcasting’ (13.4%), ‘other services’ (10.7%), ‘agriculture, forestry and fishing’ (3.7%), ‘construction’ (2.5%) and ‘public administration & defence’ (4.9%).
Net National Income
11.       Nominal Net National Income (NNI) for the year 2011-12 stands at Rs. 78.5 lakh crore, while the estimates for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs. 88.4 lakh crore and Rs. 100.6 lakh crore, showing an increase of 12.7 percent and 13.7 percent during 2012-13 and 2013-14 rsepectively.
Gross National Disposable Income
12.       Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at current prices is estimated as Rs.90.6 lakh crore for the year 2011-12, while the estimates for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 stand at 102.2 lakh crore and Rs.116.0 lakh crore, respectively.
13.       Gross Saving during 2011-12 is estimated as Rs.29.9 lakh crore, and the estimates for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs. 31.8 lakh crore and Rs. 34.8 lakh crore respectively. Rate of Saving to GNDI for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 is estimated as 33.0 percent, 31.1 percent and 30.0 percent respectively.
14.       The highest contributor to the Gross Saving is the household sector, with a share of 59.4 percent in the year 2013-14. However, the share has declined from 67.3 percent in 2011-12 and 63.4 percent in 2012-13. This decline can be attributed to the decline in household savings in physical assets, which has declined from Rs.13.4 lakh crore in 2011-12 to Rs. 12.1 lakh crore in 2013-14. On the other hand, the share of Non-Financial Corporations has increased from 29.3 percent in 2011-12 to 34.5 percent in 2013-14. The share of Financial Corporations has been around 9 percent in all these years, while the dis-saving of General Government has decreased from 5.4 percent in 2011-12 to 3.2 percent in 2013-14.
Capital Formation
15.       Gross Capital Formation (GCF) at current and constant prices is estimated by two approaches – (i) through flow of funds, derived as Gross Saving plus net capital inflow from abroad; and (ii) by the commodity flow approach, derived by the type of assets. The estimates of GCF through the flow of funds approach are treated as the firmer estimates, and the difference between the two approaches is taken as “errors and omissions”. However, GCF by industry of use and by institutional sectors does not include “valuables”, and therefore, these estimates are lower than the estimates available from commodity flow.
16.       Gross Capital Formation (GCF) at current prices is estimated as Rs. 33.7 lakh crore for the year 2011-12, while the estimates for both the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 stand at Rs. 36.6 lakh crore. Since GCF did not increase during 2013-14, the rate to GDP declined during the year to 32.3 percent as against 36.6 during 2012-13. The rate of GCF to GDP excluding valuables stands at 33.9 percent and 31 percent during 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. The rate of capital formation in the years 2011-12 to 2013-14 has been higher than the rate of saving because of net capital inflow from Rest of the World (ROW).
17.       In terms of the share to the total GCF (at current prices), the highest contributor is Non-Financial Corporations, with the share rising steadily from 46.6 percent in 2011-12 to 51.5 percent in 2013-14. Share of household sector in GCF is also significant, which has declined from 42 percent in 2011-12 to 34.2 percent in 2013-14. The share of General Government in GCF has increased from 10 percent in 2011-12 to 13.2 percent in 2013-14.
18.       The rate of Gross Capital Formation at constant (2011-12) prices has decreased from 37.2 in 2012-13 to 33.4 in 2013-14.
19.       Within the Gross Capital Formation at current prices, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) amounted to Rs. 33.7 lakh crore in 2013-14 as against Rs. 31.4 lakh crore and Rs. 29.7 lakh crore in 2012-13 and 2011-12 respectively.  The change in stocks of inventories, at current prices, decreased from Rs. 2.2 lakh crore in 2011-12 to Rs. 1.8 lakh crore in 2013-14, while the valuables decreased from Rs. 2.5 lakh crore in 2011-12  to Rs. 1.5 lakh crore in 2013-14.
Consumption Expenditure
20.       Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) at current prices is estimated at Rs. 50.9 lakh crore for the base year 2011-12, increasing to Rs. 58.8 lakh crore in 2012-13 and further to Rs. 67.7 lakh crore in 2013-14. In terms of GDP, the rates of PFCE at current prices during 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are estimated at 57.6 percent, 58.8 percent and 59.7 percent respectively.
21.       At constant (2011-12) prices, the PFCE is estimated at Rs. 53.7 lakh crore and Rs. 57.0 lakh crore for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. The corresponding rates of PFCE for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 are 57.9 percent and 57.5 percent respectively.
22.       Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE) is estimated at Rs. 9.9 lakh crore for the year 2011-12. The estimates of GFCE at current prices for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 stand at Rs. 10.9 lakh crore and Rs. 12.8 lakh crore, respectively. At constant (2011-12) prices, the estimates of GFCE for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 stand at Rs. 10.0 lakh crore and Rs. 10.9 lakh crore respectively.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ministry of Agriculture

The Immediate challenge to the Ministry of Agriculture when the new Government had taken over, was to sustain the increasing agricultural output of the country in the face of impending deficit rainfall in this year 2014-15. All the requisite preparatory measures were made in coordination with the State governments to have the District-wise contingency action plans in place and to bring in flexibility in the various schemes in order that the States are enabled to cope with any desired changes in the Approved Action Plans for tackling the situation arising out of deficit rainfall. With the perspective the Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agriculture (CRIDA) in collaboration with State Agricultural Universities and the State Governments has prepared crop contingency plans in respect of 576 districts across the country. Further, all necessary and appropriate steps have been taken to meet the seed and fertilizer requirement and to disseminate information and on suitable farming practices to be followed in such a situation.



v     Agriculture continues to be the backbone of Indian economy.

v     Agriculture sector employs 54.6% of the total workforce.

v     The total Share of Agriculture & Allied Sectors (Including Agriculture, Livestock, forestry and fishery sub sectors) in terms of percentage of Gross Domestic Product is 13.9 percent during 2013-14 at 2004-05 prices. [As per the estimates released by Central Statistics Office]

v     For the 12th Plan (2012-17), a growth target of 4 percent has been set for the Agriculture Sector

v     As per the 4th Advance Estimates of Production of food grains for 2013-14, total food grain production is estimated to be 264.77 Million Tonnes.



In order to keep up the momentum gained during the 11th Plan and achieve the targeted growth rate of 4% during the 12th Five Year Plan as also the ensure focused approach and to avoid overlap, all the ongoing 51 schemes of the Department have been restructured into five missions viz. National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture Mission (MIDH), National Mission on Oil Seed and Oil Palm (NMOOP), National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), and National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology (NMAET); five Central Sector Schemes viz. National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP), Intergrated Scheme on Agri-Census & Statistics (ISAC&S), Integrated Scheme of Agriculture Marketing (ISAM), Integrated Scheme of Agriculture Cooperation (ISAC) and Secretariat Economic Service; and one State Plan Scheme viz. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana.


Recognizing the importance of Agriculture Sector, the Government during the budget 2014-15 took a number of steps for sustainable development of Agriculture. These steps include enhanced institutional credit to farmers; promotion of scientific warehousing infrastructure including cold storages and cold chains in the country for increasing shelf life of agricultural produce; Improved access to irrigation through Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichayee Yojana; provision of Price Stabilisation Fund to mitigate price volatality in agricultural produce; Mission mode scheme for Soil Health Card; Setting up of Agri-tech Infrastructure fund for making farming competitive and profitable; provide institutional finance to joint farming groups of “Bhoomi Heen Kisan” through NABARD; development of indigenous cattle breeds and promoting inland fisheries and other non-farm activities to supplement the income of farmers.


Details of the Initiatives are as follows:

v     Rashtriya Gokul Mission

            India ranks first among the world’s milk producing Nations are such 1998 and milk production peaked at 137.97 million tonnes in 2013-14.  India has the largest bovine population in the world.  The bovine genetic resource of India is represented by 37 well recognized indigenous Breeds of cattle and 13 breeds of buffaloes. Indigenous bovines are robust and resilient and are particularly suited to the climate and environment of their respective breeding tracts.  Rashtriya Gokul Mission a project under the National Program for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development is being launched with the objective of conserving and developing indigenous Breeds in a focused and scientific manner.  The potential to enhance the productivity of the indigenous breeds through professional farm management and superior nutrition, as well as gradation of indigenous bovine germplasm will be done with an outlay of Rs. 550 crores.

v     Rail Milk Network

In order to promote Agri Rail Network for transportation of milk, overs have been placed by AMUL and NDDB on behalf of Dairy Cooperative Federations for procurement of 36 new Rail Milk Tankers and will be made available by Railways.  This will help in movement of milk from milk surplus areas to areas of demand providing dairy farmers with greater market areas.

v     An allocation of Rs. 50 crore for development of indigenous cattle breed has been provided.

v     ‘Blue Revolution’ for development of inland fisheries being initiated with a sum of Rs. 50 crore

v     Target for providing institutional agricultural credit to farmers during 2014-15 has been    enhanced to Rs. 8 lakh crore which is expected to surpass.

v     Agriculture credit at a concessional rate of 7% with an interest subvention of 3% for timely repayment will continue during 2014-15.

v     An allocation of Rs. 5,000 crore for 2014-15 has been made for scientific warehousing infrastructure for increasing shelf life of agricultural produce and thereby increasing the earning capacity of farmers.

v     A higher allocation of Rs. 25,000 crore has been made to the corpus of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund during 2014-15 which helps in creation of infrastructure in agriculture and rural sectors.

v     An initial corpus of Rs. 4,000 crore is being created to set up long term rural credit fund in NABARD to give a boost to long term investment credit in agriculture.

v     For ensuring increased and uninterrupted credit flow to farmers and to avoid high cost market borrowings by NABARD an amount of Rs. 50,000 crore during 2014-15 has been made for Short Term Cooperative Rural Credit (STCRC-refinance fund).

v     To improve access to irrigation, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichayee Yojana has been initiated with a sum of Rs. 1,000 crore in the year 2014-15.

v     To mitigate price volatility in the agricultural produce a sum of Rs. 500 crore has been provided for Price Stabilization Fund.

v     Government has initiated a scheme for Soil Health Card for every farmer in a mission mode with an initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.

v     An additional amount of Rs. 56 crore has been made to set up 100 mobile soil testing laboratories countrywide.

v     National Adaptation Fund for climate change has been established with an initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore.

v     To protect landless farmers from money lenders 5 lakh joint farming groups of Bhoomiheen Kisan will be financed through NABARD in the current financial year.

v     A Kisan TV - Channel dedicated to agriculture will be launched with the initial allocation of Rs. 100 crores in the current financial year.

v     An initial allocation of Rs. 200 crore has been allocated for establishing Agriculture Universities in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan and Horticulture Universities in Telangana and Haryana.

v     An allocation of Rs. 100 crore has been made in the current financial year for setting up of two institutions of excellence in Assam and Jharkhand which will be at par with Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa.

v     An allocation of Rs.100 crore is made for 2014-15 for setting up Agri-tech Infrastructure Fund with a view to increasing public and private investments in agriculture and making farming competitive and profitable.

v     Various initiatives taken by Government to support agriculture and allied sectors is to sustain the growth rate at 4%.

v     In order to increase profitability for small and marginal farmers, Rs. 200 crore has been earmarked for setting up of 2000 Farmer Producer Organisations.

v     Wage employment under MGNREGA will be mainly used for more productive asset creation substantially linked to agriculture & allied activities.

v     Sum of Rs. 14,389 crore for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana for 2014-15 which will improve access for rural population including farmers.

v     With a view to promoting farmers and consumers interest setting up of a national market will be accelerated by encouraging States to modify their APMC Act and other market reforms.

v     With a view to develop commercial organic farming in the North Eastern Region a sum of Rs. 100 crore has been allocated.

Central Government recognizes and discharges its responsibility to assist State Governments in overall development of Agriculture sector. Effective policy measures are in position to improve agricultural production and productivity and address problems of farmers. State Governments are also impressed upon to allocate adequate funds for development of agriculture sector in State plan, as well as initiate other measures required for achieving targeted agricultural growth rate and address problem of farmers.


Initiatives taken by Indian Government

Ministry of Defence

Make in India” Concept Dominates Acquisition Plans of MoD in 2014

Text Box: YEAR END REVIEW - 2014
2014 will go down in the history of the Ministry of Defence as a momentous and memorable year- a year which witnessed the country’s security policies being bolstered, new ideas being infused for acquisition and the much needed momentum being provided for the modernisation process of the Armed Forces. Three Defence Ministers- Shri AK Antony, Shri Arun Jaitley and the incumbent, Shri Manohar Parrikar led the Ministry in succession during the year.
“Make in India” became the buzzword in the corridors of MoD. The Defence Acquisition Council, the apex decision-making body of the Ministry,   triggered a scorching pace of acquisition by clearing proposals worth over Rs 1.50 lakh crores for the Services this year alone. Many of the equipment and platforms, cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council, will be manufactured in the country, either by the public or private sector entities, through collaborations and tie-ups with foreign manufacturing companies. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Defence Sector was encouraged by liberalising some of the policies.
One of the heartening feature of the year was the opening of the much awaited Information Management and Analysis Centre (IMAC) – the nodal centre of the National Command Control Communications and Intelligence Network, a symbol of the paradigmatic change in our outlook towards coastal security, in the wake of the barbaric 26/11 terror strike in Mumbai in 2008.
It was also the year when Jammu & Kashmir, especially capital Srinagar, experienced hitherto unknown magnitude of flash floods. Although the Armed Forces and their families stationed in the valley were severely affected, the brave officers and men put behind their woes and carried out rescue and relief operations on a war footing, thereby, endearing themselves to the people of the state and the nation as a whole.
                        For speedy indigenization, the Government increased the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit from 26% to 49% through approval route. Above 49%, the proposal will go to Cabinet Committee on Security on case to case basis. The Government also lifted an earlier three year lock-in period for foreign investment in Defence sector.
            Defence products list for the purpose of industrial licensing has been revised and the revised list has been notified vide Press Note no. 3(2014) dated 26/6/14 by DIPP. In the revised list most of the components/parts/raw materials, castings, forgings, production machinery, testing equipment etc. have been taken out of purview of industrial licensing. Besides, dual use items other than those specifically mentioned in the list would not require industrial license from defence angle. This will reduce the license requirement for many items, which were earlier required industrial license for manufacturing.
In order to give a boost to private sector participation in defence production, the Government has decided to replace the present fleet of 56 AVRO Transport of IAF by reserving the project for the private sector only.
The DAC also decided that all the 384 light-utility helicopters needed by the Army and Air Force to replace the existing Cheetah/Chetak fleets will be made in India with foreign collaboration.
What is more, in a landmark decision on 25 October 2014, the DAC cleared projects worth over Rs 80,000 crores. It was decided to build six submarines in India at a cost of about Rs. 50,000 crore and to purchase over 8,000 Israeli antitank guided missiles and 12 upgraded Dornier surveillance aircraft. Of the Rs. 80,000 crores, more than Rs. 65,000 crores is Make in India or Buy & Make.
For speeding up modernisation programmes, the Government has made a special allocation of Rs. 5000 crores in the current Union Budget. And to encourage research and development of new Defence systems that enhance cutting-edge technology capability in the country, the Government has allocated Rs 100 Crores to set up a Technology Development Board.
The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) decided that the acquisition of 22 Apache attack helicopters and 15 Chinook heavy-lift helicopters from the US will continue. The DAC cleared the revised offset proposals submitted by US Aviation major, Boeing, in this regard.
            The Government approved the Navy’s proposal to buy 16 multi-role helicopters, which fly from warships and detect enemy submarines. The Defence Acquisition Council also approved the purchase of Integrated Anti-Submarine Warfare Suites (torpedo decoys and active towed array sonars) to be fitted on seven stealth frigates and four destroyers, which are to be built in India.
            The DAC on 17 December 2014 approved proposals for Rs. 4,444 crore, including the purchase of four survey vessels at Rs. 2,324 crore. It also cleared the upgradation of the Mobile Integrated Electronic Warfare System, Samyukta, at a cost of Rs. 1,682 crore.
            The Government also cleared a Rs. 900 crore dedicated mobile communications system for army troops deployed in Ladakh and the Eastern Command.
The Government allocated Rs. 1000 crore in this year’s budget for accelerating the development of railway system in border areas. This will facilitate quick mobilisation of troops and weapon systems in border areas and also expedite the modernisation process.
The Government also plans to embark on a major road building exercise to counter security threats both along the China borders as well as in Maoist-affected areas within the country. In order to facilitate this, government relaxed the environment norms to a great extent. Also more financial and operational powers have been delegated to DG, BRO and his officers for faster implementation of the projects. The Border Roads Organisation is developing roads along the 4056 Kms China border from Arunachal Pradesh to Jammu & Kashmir, including widening of some existing roads.
            The year saw capacity building in the existing and new strategic areas which includes beginning of sea-trials of indigenously built nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant and the much awaited test flying of LCA (Navy) prototype-I. The LCA programme witnessed yet another milestone on 8th November 2014 when Tejas trainer PV6, the two-seater version of Tejas LCA for Air Force, in its first flight took to the skies and became the 16th Tejas variant to have flown as part of the programme. Having absorbed all the major design modifications undertaken during the flights of earlier aircraft, PV6 is the final prototype leading to series of production of trainer and has the capability to deliver all ‘air-to-air’ and ‘air-to-ground’ weapons deliverable by the single seat counterpart.
In another landmark event, LCA (Navy) Prototype 1 (NP1), the first indigenously designed and developed 4th plus generation combat aircraft designed to operate from the decks of aircraft carriers, took-off majestically from Ski-Jump facility of Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF) at INS Hansa in Goa on 20th December 2014. The SBTF created to replicate the aircraft carrier with a Ski Jump for take-off and arresting gear cable for arrested landing, became operational for R&D as well as pilot training.
The Indian Navy has been a leader in the Nation’s quest to promote self-reliance and indigenisation. INS Kolkata, an indigenous destroyer built at Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai, the biggest warship ever to be built in India to date, was commissioned by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 16 August, 2014 which will usher new capability into the Indian Navy. INS Kamorta, an ASW corvette built at Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited, Kolkata, was commissioned on 23 August, 2014. In addition, Offshore Patrol Vessel INS Sumitra built by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL), was commissioned on 04 September, 2014. Other major warship construction programmes include six destroyers of P15A and P15B class and six submarines of P75 class at Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai. Fifteen other ships are under construction at Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited, Kolkata. The third Naval Offshore Patrol Vessel INS Sumedha was commissioned at Goa on 06 March, 2014. INS Sumedha is 200th ship indigenously built by GSL. GSL is the only yard which has delivered four classes of OPVs to both Navy and Coast Guard. INS 'Sumedha' is the third of the new 105 meter class of NOPV and the largest ship constructed by GSL for the Indian Navy. This state-of-the-art ship will help meet the increasing requirement of the Indian Navy for undertaking ocean surveillance and surface warfare operations in order to prevent infiltration and transgression of maritime sovereignty.
Induction of the nuclear submarine INS Chakra on lease from Russia has heralded an important chapter in the history of Indian Navy. In addition, INS Vikramaditya, including its Mig 29K integral fighter aircraft has been inducted into the Navy. Maritime Surveillance Capability of the Navy has been bolstered with the recent induction of Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft P81.
Indian Navy’s ability to communicate with deployed ships and submarines on an uninterrupted basis throughout the year got a shot in the arm when a new state of the art “Very Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitting Station” was inaugurated on 31 July, 2014 at INS Kattaboman, Tirunelvelli, Tamil Nadu. India is among a handful of nations in the world that has such a capability.
Two Advanced Early Warning and Combat (AEW&C) aircraft having  fitted with the indigenous radars and other equipment such as data links, mission system controller, data handling and display system have been flying. A wheeled version of Nishant UAV named “Panchi” has been realized and had performed its maiden flight on 24th December 2014 after series of high speed taxi trials. An expandable 450 Kg thrust class Gas Turbine engineManik’ was developed for 1000 km class subsonic cruise missile and is undergoing endurance tests.
Successful test trials of surface-to-air Akash missile and induction of its Air Force version into IAF, successful launching of 5000 Km range Agni-5, long range cruise missile Nirbhay, user trials of  Prithvi-II, supersonic BrahMos and beyond visual range missile Astra were the hallmarks of this year’s achievement.
Indian Air Force is now on a high trajectory of modernisation and in transforming with full spectrum capability. While induction of C -130J and C-17 has given the Force the long desire strategic and special operations capability, the induction of a fairly large MI-17V5 helicopter fleet has filled the gap in the medium heli-lift capability. The Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) developed by HAL is also on the anvil. The IAF is likely to induct one squadron of limited series production version of this platform very soon.
The air defence system in IAF is in the process of transformation to state-of-the-art Network Centric System. All ground based and airborne sensors are being networked to provide a composite picture of the entire airspace. IAF has successfully inducted the Rohini Radars, modern generation Medium Power Radars and Low Level Transportable Radars. Mountain Radars are planned to boost our capability in the north and north eastern regions.
            The year also saw spectacular progress in strengthening coastal security network with the successful commissioning of Information Management & Analysis Centre (IMAC) at Gurgaon.
Set up by BEL with American software, IMAC will be the nodal centre of the National Command Control Communications and Intelligence Network (NC3I Network), with the aim of improving coastal surveillance and tightening coastal security so as to pre-empt/prevent sea-borne terrorist attacks like 26/11 on Mumbai.
            The Government’s decision to allocate a sum of Rs. 150 crore for construction of marine police stations and jetties along the vast coast lines is also a positive step in this direction.
            Welfare and all round well -being of ex-servicemen and war widows have been the cornerstone of our rehabilitation policy since independence.
            Acceding to the long pending demand of One Rank One Pension for retired defence personnel, the Government has, in principle, decided to implement it in the current financial year itself. Accordingly a sum of Rs. 1000 crore has been allocated in the Union Budget 2014-15.
            The modalities for its implementation were recently discussed with various stakeholders and are presently under active consideration of the Government. It will be implemented once the modalities are approved by the Government.
Campaigns to implement Aadhar based Life Certificate for defence pensioners have been carried out on pilot basis at two locations, namely, Chandi Mandir near Chandigarh and Delhi Cantonment from 26 to 29 November, 2014. The response of Ex-Servicemen during the pilot project was encouraging and a total of 2605 Life Certificates were generated during that period. Further, all the Services have been instructed to launch Aadhaar Card Registration Campaign throughout the country especially at such locations where number of ex-servicemen is large.
The Indian Army  launched the Army Veteran Grievance Handling Portal in Delhi on 05 June, 2014. It has also formally opened a separate Directorate for veterans in August 2014.
            The Chief of Naval Staff inaugurated 80 new residential houses under Married Accommodation Project (MAP) for naval sailors at Palam on 15 August, 2014.
Indian Air Force organised a big placement fair for air veterans on 13 November, 2014 at Delhi which was attended by a number of MNCs and Indian Defence Manufacturing and Security Organisations.
Floods in J&K
            The year saw unprecedented floods in Jammu & Kashmir in the month of September which submerged the entire Kashmir valley under 15 to 20 ft deep water in some areas for almost three weeks resulting in widespread loss of human lives and public property. As the devastating floods threw the entire public life out of control, acting upon the request of the state Government, the Indian Armed Forces with NDRF launched a joint-rescue & relief operation, which witnessed the involvement of nearly 330 Army columns in rescuing the marooned people to safer areas. The Army through its “Operations Sahayata” pressed into service innumerable Army speed boats and inflatable rafts and rescued nearly 2.4 lakh people. Indian Air Force also chipped-in through its ‘Operation Leher’ wherein they pressed into service 79 helicopters & aircraft and winched up 360 victims and later relocated them to safer areas. In some cases ‘Garudas’ dismantled the roofs and evacuated the people trapped in the top floors of their houses. Helicopters operating from six centres including Srinagar launched this rescue operations while relief materials from various parts of the country were airlifted to Srinagar, Jammu, Awantipur and other affected areas which included blankets, tents, medical supplies, readymade foods, drinking water, communication equipment etc.
Forest Fire
            The IAF engaged some MI-17 V5 helicopters to douse a massive forest fire that originated near Visakhapatnam city on 07 November, 2014. It managed to control the situation by launching a sustained fire fighting operation.  
Cyclone ‘Hudhud’
            The Armed Forces’ laudable role and conduct of swift rescue and relief operations to minimise the effects of cyclone ‘Hudhud’ which struck Andhra and Odisha coast on 12 October, 2014 also came for universal praise and commendation from all quarters.
The sudden and unprovoked attacks from the Pakistan side in the guise of armed infiltration in the Line of Control in Samba and later in Arnia & Poonch sectors of Jammu and Kashmir brought disquiet into the region as it resulted in civil casualties and martyrdom of some of our brave hearts. Though our soldiers retaliated these recurrent attacks with full force at their command, yet there was no stopping of ceasefire violations from the Pakistan side. This year, it seemed, the attacks were timed to derail the smooth and peaceful assembly polls in J&K, where people of the State came forward in large numbers to exercise their right to franchise.
            The situation on the India- China border remained mostly peaceful with the Armed Forces keeping a constant watch on all developments having bearing on India’s security and took necessary measures to safeguard it.
The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) continued on the path of building self-reliance. The production value of DRDO developed systems inducted or cleared for acquisition (excluding strategic systems) crossed Rs 1,70,000 crores. The year 2014 witnessed yet another series of accomplishments with enormous potential to further enhance the level of self-reliance in defence technologies.
The 4,000 km range road mobile ballistic missile AGNI-4, was successfully flight tested twice. Among the development flights, the flight test on 20 January 2014  paved the way for flight test on 02 December, 2014 by the armed forces. Agni 4 is equipped with the state-of-the-art avionics, 5th Generation On board Computer and Distributed Architecture. It is also  equipped with the latest features to correct and guide it for inflight disturbances. With Agni 1, 2, 3 and Prithvi already in India’s arsenal, Agni 4 further extends the reach and enhances effective deterrence capability. Besides, practice cum training launches of strategic missiles which are already inducted, such as Agni-1, Agni-2, P-II and Dhanush were carried out by the armed forces.
Nirbhay, the 1000 km class long range sub-sonic cruise missile was successfully flight tested on 17 October, 2014. The flight lasted over one hour and met all the mission objectives with the missile following the predefined trajectory with very high accuracy throughout its path. The maiden flight of PDV exo-atmospheric interceptor on 27 April 2014 was a significant milestone in the direction of developing a two layered Ballistic Missile Defence System. In addition to the interceptor itself, the two stage target for mimicking a "hostile Ballistic Missile approaching from more than 2000 km away" too was specially developed for the mission.
Productionisation and induction of Akash, the medium range air defence system with multi-target, multi directional capability was another remarkable achievement. Several squadrons of Akash (Air Force) have been inducted, with specified number of missiles from each production lot undergoing comprehensive flight tests in various operational modes before acceptance of the lot.  Akash (Army) has been accepted and is undergoing its induction process. LRSAM, the Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile was successfully tested against a flying target in Israel on 10 November 2014. Successful trials of Helina, a “Lock-On Before Launch (Fire & Forget)” third generation Anti-tank Guided missile that can attack in both direct and top attack mode was integrated with Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH). The missile with capability to defeat futuristic armors underwent successful field trials on 27 June 2014. ASTRA-BVR (Beyond Visual Range) Air-to-Air missile was successfully tested from a Su-30 MKI by the Indian Air Force, demonstrating interception of an electronically simulated target at long range. The series of tests conducted have demonstrated the aerodynamic characteristics of the missiles and its repeatability, robustness and endurance capability as a weapon system. A 1,000 kg class Guided Glide Bomb was designed, developed and successfully tested. The bomb, after getting released by the aircraft and guided by onboard navigation system is capable of gliding accurately to its target even 100 km away. Over thirty missions such as launches of strategic and tactical guided missiles kept the Integrated Test Range, the only one in the country, heavily engaged with activities throughout the year.
A four km long Rail Track Rocket Sled (RTRS) Penta Rail Supersonic Track, a national test facility was established and made operational, bringing India among a handful of countries in the world now possessing this unique test facility. The RTRS will facilitate testing and evaluation of a wide range of critical systems such as payload for manned missions of ISRO, the navigation system for missiles and aircrafts, proximity fuses for advanced warheads, fuses for armament systems parachutes for payload delivery and arrester systems for aircraft such as LCA.
An Advanced Parachute System meeting stringent requirements of Human Space Program (HSP-II) was designed, developed and successfully evaluated by DRDO. The system developed for India’s manned space missions was successfully proven with the recovery of Moon Mission Crew Capsule flown into space by the GSLV Mk-III on 18 December 2014. The parachute deployment system functioned perfectly and achieved the required descent rate. A Heavy Drop System (P-16) for dropping from IL 76 heavy lift aircraft was developed and is undergoing user assisted trials. The system consisting of a platform system suitably designed for harnessing and mounting of variety of payloads of 16 tones class and a highly advanced parachute system to drop loads. The load typically consists of military stores such as vehicles (including BMP class), supplies and ammunition. The first indigenously designed and developed Inflatable Radom to serve as a shelter to provide controlled environment for effective and continuous 24x7 functioning of sensitive systems such as RADARs for civil and military applications was installed. The inflatable structure consists of hemispherical envelope of coated fabrics with airlock tunnel, centrifugal air blowers, packaged air conditioners, electrical control system and emergency generator. 
Phase-IV of user trials of Arjun Main Battle Tank Mk-II, that included trench crossing and step climbing capabilities, were successfully completed. Development of Arjun Catapult 130mm Self-Propelled Artillery Gun, a blend of 130 mm SP Art Gun with Arjun chassis has been completed as per GSQR. DRDO internal trial validation has been completed and the Arjun Catapult is ready for user trials. User demo trials of Pinaka Mk- II rockets with enhanced range were successfully conducted.
Successful User Assisted Technical Trials (UATT) of CBRN Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and Multi-Purpose Decontamination System (MPDS) were carried out. User and DGQA trials of BMCS (Bi-Modular Charge System) using both Soltam and Bofors guns were completed and the trials included validation of manufacturing process. Dynamic trials of 120mm Penetration-cum-Blast (PCB) ammunition for MBT Arjun Mk II were conducted successfully.
A man-portable modular military bridging system suitable for rapid deployment in mountainous regions and capable of bridging gaps up to 35m successfully completed user assisted technical trials. The modules weighing less than 18 kg each allow the bridge to be constructed from near-bank without any access to far-bank. A 35m bridge can be launched in about one hour.
 “NABHRATHNA”, a Flying Test Bed (FTB) based on a Dornier aircraft acquired from HAL was realized. The FTB serves as a test bed platform for evaluation of airborne Radars. FTB sorties with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Maritime Patrol Airborne Radar (MPAR) have been taken up successfully.
Dhruva-3, the latest in a series of indigenous High Performance Computing Systems designed for solving mission critical Defence R&D applications and one of the fastest computing facilities in the country became operational.
ALTAS was realized with establishment of Towed array SONAR technology with 100% indigenous capabilities with two production centres. The system is designed to detect and identify submarines and underwater weapons. First technical trial on ALTAS has been conducted with satisfactory results. ABHAY and HUMSA-UG compact sonars, ideal for fitment on smaller platforms for surveillance purposes and having advantages of reduced installation and maintenance load on the technical personnel were installed on two platforms and are undergoing technical trials. The hull mounted sonar HUMSA-NG has been installed onboard INS Kolkata and INS Komorta. Varunastra, the heavy weight torpedo and Maareech, the decoy system for defence against torpedo attacks successfully completed 10 and 12 sets of user evaluation trials respectively.
The life sciences labs of DRDO continued its efforts with full vigour to develop soldier support systems and processes to help the soldiers perform effectively in diverse and harsh terrain and climatic conditions in the country.  Submarine Escape Set 120 M to assist safe escape from underwater vessels from depths up to 120m is undergoing trials. Mark I version is already in production. ‘Telemedicine System’ has been accepted for induction in Indian Navy. The system capable of exchange of vital medical information and advice in a secure manner through multiple channels (including Satcom) will be installed in various Indian Navy ships as well as remote naval units.
Operation Hand-in-Hand
            The 4th India-China Joint Training Exercise ‘Hand-in-Hand -2014’ culminated on 25 November 2014 after a joint tactical exercise near Pune. This 12-day joint training included understanding of trans-national terrorism, developing inter-operability and conduct of a joint tactical operation controlled by a joint command post. The aim of the exercise was to acquaint both the armies with each other’s operating procedure in the backdrop of counter-terrorism environment.
Exercise Yudh- Abhyas
            The Indo-US Combined Military Training Exercise “Yudh Abhyas- 2014”, which commenced on 17 September, 2014 at Ranikhet and Chaubattia, concluded on 30 September, 2014. The focus of the exercise was to carryout Counter Insurgency and Counter Terrorist Operations in mountainous terrain under United Nations (UN) Charter.  The exercise brought troops together of a mountain brigade of Indian Army and Company and brigade headquarters of the US Army. The exercise was the 10th in Yudh Abhyas series, which started in 2004 under US Army Pacific Partnership Programme.
Exercise Garuda V
            The fifth edition of Indo-French joint Air Exercise “Garuda V” began at Air Force Station Jodhpur on 02 June, 2014 and concluded on 13 June, 2014.
Exercise Avia Indra
Indo-Russia Joint Air Force Exercise ‘Avia Indra – 2014’, Phase – I commenced at Astrakhan, Russia in fourth week of August 2014. The Phase – II of the exercise was conducted at Air Force Station, Halwara, Punjab in November 2014.
SIMBEX - 2014
The 2014 edition of the ‘SIMBEX-14’ series of annual bilateral naval exercises between the Indian Navy (IN) and the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), was conducted in the Andaman Sea from 22 May to 28 May 2014. 
Exercise Komodo
            The Indian Navy participated in the multilateral, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) exercise, dubbed “Komodo -2014”, which was held at Indonesia from 28 March to 03 April 2014. The exercise was conducted at Batam Bay, Natuna Islands and Anambas Islands. The exercise involved participants from Indonesia, the US, China, Russia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Laos.
            The Indian Navy’s major annual exercise ‘TROPEX’ (Theatre Level Operational Readiness Exercise) concluded on 28 February 2014. The exercise involved large scale naval manoeuvres in all three dimensions viz. surface, air and underwater, across the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.  The exercise also provided the Indian Navy with an opportunity to validate its network centric warfare capabilities, with effective utilisation of the recently launched Indian Navy’s Satellite, GSAT.
            Covering a distance of over five thousand nautical miles, Indian Naval ship Sahyadri, an indigenously built guided missile stealth frigate reached at Pearl Harbour, USA on 01 July, 2014 to participate in the multilateral maritime exercise called RIMPAC (Rim of Pacific). The exercise was concluded on 02 August,2014. INS Sahyadri’s participation in the RIMPAC-14 reinforced naval ties with USA and other participating countries. It also contributed immensely towards enhancing interoperability with friendly Navies.
INS Shivalik was deployed for participation in International Fleet Review and Multilateral Maritime Exercise at Qingdao, China from 20-25 April, 2014. Though the IFR was cancelled in view of the Search and Rescue mission for the missing Malaysian Airplane Flight MH370, the Multilateral Maritime Exercise was conducted as scheduled on 23-24 April, 2014. Ships from India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei participated in the exercise.
Exercise INDRA
Ships of the eastern fleet of the Indian Navy, viz. Shivalik, Ranvijay and Shakti reached at Vladivostok, Russia to participate in the joint Indo-Russia Naval Exercise- “INDRA-2014”. In the exercise the Russian Navy was represented by guided missile cruiser Varyag, destroyer Bystry, large landing craft Peresvet along with supply vessels. Air assets of the Russian Pacific fleet and Indian Navy were also actively involved in the exercise. The six day long exercise comprising harbour and sea phases helped in strengthening the friendly relations between the navies of the two countries.
Exercise MALABAR
Exercise Malabar is a complex high end operational exercise that has grown in scope and complexity over the years. Malabar 2014 was the latest in a continuing series of exercises conducted to enhance multinational maritime relationships and mutual security issues. It featured both ashore and at sea training. During the ashore training at Port Sasebo, Japan from July 24-26, 2014 the interactions included subject matter expert and professional exchanges on Carrier Strike Group operations, maritime patrol and reconnaissance operations, anti-piracy operations and Visit, Board, Search and Seizure operations. This exercise helped Indian, Japanese and US navies to have a common understanding and knowledge of a shared working environment at sea.
            The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, embarked on the newly inducted India’s largest aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, off the coast of Goa, on 13 June 2014, which incidentally was his first visit to an operational military formation after assuming office as the Prime Minister. He dedicated the aircraft carrier to the Nation.
DEFEXPO – 2014
The eighth edition of International Land, Naval and International Security Systems Exhibition started on 06 February 2014 at New Delhi. The exhibition saw the participation of 624 companies from 30 countries. It was concluded on 10 February 2014.
Fast Patrol Vessel ICGS Abhiraj was commissioned at Tuticorin on 02 September, 2014 which will strengthen our Coastal Surveillance initiatives.
As a gesture of good bilateral relations between the Coast Guards of India and Seychelles, India handed over one Fast Attack Craft INS Tarasa to Seychelles Coast Guard on 06 November 2014 and it was renamed as PS Constant by Seychelles Coast Guard.
During the year Indian Navy Warships, INS Sahyadri, INS Shivalik, INS Teg, INS Ranvijay and INS Satpura, on request from friendly foreign countries, visited different ports of China, Australia, South Africa, Mozambique, Bahrain, UAE, Russia, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore and Bangladesh at different times which greatly helped in cementing the bond of friendship with foreign countries. It also displayed our projection of force in foreign shores, thereby, strengthening the much needed defence diplomacy. 
Responding to the Prime Minister’s clarion call to the people of India to realize Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of “Swachh Bharat” (Clean India) by 2nd October 2019, Ministry of Defence has undertaken in right earnest an intensive national cleanliness campaign w.e.f. 25th September 2014.  Directorate of Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence has prepared an elaborate plan to implement, “Clean India - Clean Cantonments” programme. The mission will comprise a collective and sustained effort to clean our homes, workplaces, streets, roads, pavements, schools, hospitals, markets and all other public places within our purview and keeping them clean for all times to come.  For this Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE) had directed all Defence Estate Officers and Cantonment Boards to undertake “Swachh Shapath” drive from October 02, 2014 onwards, involving all officers and staff in Directorates as well as offices of DEO’s.  The DGDE has accordingly prepared an action plan for each Command Directorate and offices under it for a period of five years where a systemic cleanliness drive has been undertaken by a Corps of Swachh Bharat Volunteers. This Corps of volunteers will be tasked to create mass awareness about how to develop clean habits and keep our surroundings neat and clean. Since Clean India-Clean Cantonments campaign cannot be successful without public participation, the action plan for the same has devised a number of steps to make it happen in a coordinated manner.
Services contribution in putting India in the sports map of the world can never be ignored. Sportsmen from services have always brought laurels for the country. In the recently held Asian Games at Incheon, South Korea, India bagged 57 medals which include 11 gold, 10 silver and 36 bronze. Out of this sportsmen from Indian Armed Forces got 18 medals. In the Commonwealth Games held at Glasgow, Scotland from 23 July to 03 August, 2014, Services sportsmen bagged 08 medals which include 02 gold, and 05 silver out of the country’s medal tally which stood at 64.
The famous Corps of Signals Dare Devils Team once again did the Army and the Nation proud when it added yet another feather to its cap by establishing a new world record of performing maximum number of Yoga Asans on a moving motorcycle. This is the eight Guinness World Record title being conferred on the Dare Devils Team by the Guinness Book of Records.
The Government has decided to build a National War Memorial to honour Defence Forces’ personnel who were martyred in wars after Independence in 1947. A War Museum will also be constructed. Rs. 200 crore has been allocated in the Defence Service Estimates for the year 2014-15 for this purpose.
Digitization of records in History Division, Ministry of Defence is in progress. The work is likely to be completed by December, 2016. Likewise digitization of files/records relating to Defence land is also in progress and the same is likely to be completed by March, 2015.
An on-line system, e-Samiksha for monitoring of follow-up action on the decisions taken during the presentations made by different Ministries/Departments to the Prime Minister, decisions taken during Committee of Secretaries meetings, Center-State coordination issues, progress of Court cases pending before various Courts/Tribunals in which Cabinet Secretary is a respondent either directly or in the form of a pro-forma party etc. has been launched by Cabinet Secretariat. The same is being monitored regularly for issues related to this Ministry.