Monday, June 29, 2015

Empowerment of the Disabled persons

New schemes

“Pre-Matric Scholarship and Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with  Disabilities (SwD)” was launched. Under the Pre-Matric Scholarship, 46,000 students studying in class IX and X will be awarded scholarship every year (@ Rs.10000/- per SwD p.a.). Under the Post-Matric Scholarship 16,650 disabled students studying in class XI, XII onwards will be provided scholarship annually (@Rs.15000/- per SwD p.a.).

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme for SwDs at a total outlay of Rs.10.00   crores benefitting 60 students per annum @ Rs.13.00 lakh per annum to enable SwD to pursue higher education at the level of Masters Degree or Ph.D abroad has been implemented from the current financial year 2014-15. Applications have been invited.

Under the “Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for Students with disabilities”, applications have been invited for the year 2014-15. Selection is being done by University Grants Commission. UGC is in the process of selecting 300 candidates for the fellowship.

Flagship scheme of the Department

 Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) and ADIP, the Department has introduced a centralized on-line application system developed by NIC on the website in the month of July 2014.

The revised ADIP Scheme has been operationalised. The salient features of the schemes are- Enhancement of cost ceiling; revised from Rs.6000/- to Rs.10000/- for single disability and from Rs.8000/- to Rs.12000/- for SwDs; Enhancement of income eligibility ceiling for 100% concession from Rs.6500/- per month to Rs, 15000/- per month and for a 50% concession from Rs.15000/- to Rs.20000/- per month.

Under the Scheme of Assistance to Disabled persons for purchase / fitting of aids & appliances (ADIP), the Department has introduced a centralized on-line application system developed by NIC on the website in the month of July 2014.  Revised ADIP Scheme contains a provision to provide Cochlear Implant to 500 children per year, with a ceiling of  Rs. 6.00 lakh per unit to be borne by the  Government. The Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment has announced the commencement of First Cochlear Implant by AYJNIHH, Mumbai on International Day for the Persons with Disability on 3rd December 2014.

The Department in collaboration with TIFAC, an autonomous body of the Dept of Science & Technology, has launched a dedicated web portal for meeting the accessible needs relating to aids & appliances for persons with disabilities. The web portal was launched by the President of India on International Day for the Persons with Disability on 3rd December 2014.   Swavlamban Composite camps – 200 Composite 'ABILITY- SWAWLAMBAN'.  Camps are being organized all over the Country.

The first batch of "motorized tricycles" has been distributed to 20 beneficiaries on 25.09.2014 at Shajapur, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.


The Prime Minister of India and the Union Minister of SJ&E felicitated the  winners of Blind Cricket World Cup and   announced a cash Award of Rs. two Lakhs to  each player of the winning Team  representing India.

The Ministry is establishing Centres for Disabilities Sports to develop and encourage disabled sports persons.

A new “Scheme on Awareness Generations and Publicity” has been launched in the current financial year 2014-15 for creating enabling environment for social inclusion of the  PwDs in all fields of life by promoting awareness, encouraging volunteer action, financially supporting national/international events and accomplishments, etc. for the realization of the aspirations of PwDs.

Future Plans and New Initiatives on Good Governance:

"Accessible India campaign (Sugamya  Bharat Abhiyan)" is proposed to be  launched for the empowerment of persons  with disabilities through universal  accessibility for creating an enabling  environment for the PwDs to live an  independent life with dignity and equal  opportunity.

In order to facilitate PwDs, process of   equipping them with Universal ID has been  initiated and the detailed project report  (DPR) has been prepared. These will be smart cards containing information  regarding the disabilities etc. and will be  valid across the country.

A “Job portal for the PwDs” for facilitating employment of PwDs is being developed for the sector through National  Handicapped Finance Development  Corporation (NHFDC). This will aggregate  various jobs availability for PwDs in  Government/PSUs and private sector and  facilitate placement and employment of unemployed, skilled and semi-skilled PwDs. 

A toll-free “Help Desk/Help Centre” is  being developed by the Department  through Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for dissemination of information  relating to PwDs, tracking and handling of grievances, facilitating the aspirations and needs of PwDs such as skilling/  employment, etc.

The Department in collaboration with  Ministry of Skill and Entrepreneurship Development and National Skill  Development Council (NSDC) is preparing a comprehensive Strategy and Action Plan  for upscaling the skilling needs of the PwDs and their placement/employment with active involvement of various stakeholders  and different Departments mandated with skilling and employment generation.

An exclusive “National Level Mega Fair” for exhibition and sale of various products/goods being manufactured by PwDs and their organizations from all over the country will be organized in Delhi to provide enhanced exposure and market linkage/access for their products.

The Department is formulating  a scheme of “Scholarship for Top Class Education for Students with Disabilities” for Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in specified premier Institutions of Excellence in India

Scheme for “Free Coaching for Students  with Disabilities” for competitive  Examinations in Government Jobs or for Admission in Professional and Technical Courses” is also being formulated.

First ever National Para –games are  scheduled to be organized in New Delhi in  association with the Paralympic Committee  of India, in the month of March 2015.

Skill development for 15000 PwDs has  been targeted under vocational training to  be conducted by NHFDC and National Institutes.

A new interactive, informative and  disability friendly dedicated website of the Department is being developed and will be launched in the current financial year.    

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