in general is location and agro-climatic zone specific. Technologies used in
other countries are quite often required to be tailored to the needs, for
sometimes, even new developments are needed. The Institutes and Centres of
All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRP) on “Farm Implements &
Machinery” are putting concerted efforts to increase the level of
mechanization in the country. A new consortia research platform on “Farm
Mechanization and Precision Farming” has been initiated in 12th Plan
to fast-track level of mechanization.
and Development achievements made on “Farm Mechanization and Precision Farming”
during the past five years.
An android app (version 1.02) and an online web app
has been developed to estimate top dressing dose of nitrogen fertilizer based on
normalized difference index (NDVI) values obtained through green seeker sensor
for rice and wheat crop.
Electromagnetic radiation profiles of mango have been
studied to determine the most convenient methods of non-destructive defect
detection. The information has been synthesized in the form of software for use
in the non-destructive quality determination of mangoes.
Anthropometric data on Indian agricultural workers have
been taken and relationships developed for design of appropriate tools for
reduced drudgery in man-machine system and gender specific situations.
Rainfall patterns for Madhya Pradesh have been combined with soil
characteristics to determine the rain harvesting options for different
locations in the State.
Soil tool interactions have been studied in fully instrumented
soil bins to study the tool wear and power requirements for efficient tool
Soyabean and its products have been characterized for their
nutrition and consumption safety.
Cashew shells have been studied for their biochemical
composition and combustion behavior with a view to design efficient
energy generation system.
Vibrations transmitted from prime movers to operators have been
characterized with a view to determine the methods of reducing vibration
stresses on operators.
Physiology of fruits and vegetables under modified atmospheric
conditions has been studied for selecting/designing suitable packaging
Imaging techniques are being studied for precision
application of inputs.
Animals physiology has been studied for enhancing the output of
draught animals in agricultural operations.
Development of decision support software for
tractor/machinery selection, design of irrigation system, etc.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has taken initiative to adopt
sophisticated farm equipment developed in other countries, to evaluate them
under Indian conditions and to commercialize them by local manufactures for
popularization under Indian conditions.
of Practices/Equipment being propagated for modern farm equipment at par with
advanced countries:
- Laser guided land leveler
- Pneumatic planters
- Riding type rice transplanters
- Sugarcane harvester
- Multi-purpose hydraulic platform (developed by CIAE)
- Automatic Litchi peeler
- Cryogenic spice grinding system
- Pomegranatae Aril extractor
- Mechanized system for popping and decortications of Makhana seeds
- Automatic Custard Apple pulper
- Autoclavable microencapsulator
As has been
informed in a written reply in Lok Sabha on 17th March 2015 by Minister of State for Agriculture,
Shri Mohanbhai Kundaria, for the advancement of Agriculture, Government uses
Information Technology through Centrally sponsored scheme
(i) National eGovernance
Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A)
(ii) Central Sector Scheme
– Strengthening/Promoting Agricultural Informatics Systems.
Under both
these Schemes, the funds are released to the State Governments or its designated
Implementing agency for implementation of the Schemes. The schemes aim to effect
computerization upto the Block level for dissemination of agriculture related
information to the farming community through various ICT enabled delivery
channels including SMSs, IVRs, Internet Kiosks, and Farmer’s Portal.
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has instituted a number of
awards for various stakeholders like individual
scientists/institutions/State Agriculture Universities (SAUs)/Krishi Vikas
Kendras (KVKs)/farmers etc. for their outstanding achievements.
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